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Kawin Kontrak 3 (2013)

 Kawin Kontrak 3 (2013) Synopsis Petualangan Kang Sono berakhir setelah ia menjadi TKI di Hong Kong. Penerusnya adalah Gary. Selain artis, Gary juga makelar kawin kontrak. Ia pencari pasangan perempuan di desa Sukasararean. Mereka yang mencoba mencari pasangan kontrak tersebut adalah Cheppy, sutradara gagal yang khusus pembuat film porno. Itol, penyanyi boyband gagal, dan Dani, perjaka tua. Petualangan mereka di kampung yang penuh gadis cantik mempertemukan mereka dengan Bunda Jahe (Janda Herang). Movie Info Release Date: 5 September 2013 Genre: Comedy Cast: Gary Iskak, Ferry Ardiansyah, Albert Halim, Abdurahman Arif, Shinta Bac

Lagu - Lagu Hits Reny Farida 2013

Reny Farida Berikut lagu-lagu Hits Reny Farida 2013 : Asmoro - Download Coy Coy - Download Gundo Latar  - Download Kenalan goro-goro sandal  - Download Kepuse Godong  - Download Ngangeni  - Download Nggudo Ati  - Download Separuh Windu  - Download Seru Welase  - Download Suwargo Dunyo  - Download Wangi  - Download Thanks for your visit.... and please enjoy... ^_^

A Wet Dream on Elm Street (2011)

A Wet Dream on Elm Street (2011) Synopsis: Freddy Krueger, a sex toy salesman burnt to death by an angry mob due to his shady business practices, returns from the grave to take his revenge on his killers by putting their now adult children into orgasm-induced “pleasure comas”. Movie Info: Director:Lee Roy Myers Writer:Lee Roy Myers Stars:Jennifer White, Chris Johnson, Giselle Leon File: [18+] A Wet Dream on Elm Street (2011) DVD Rip Size: 1471026299 bytes (1.37 GiB), duration: 01:44:15, avg.bitrate: 1874 kb/s Audio: mp3, 48000 Hz, stereo, 128 kb/s Video: mpeg4, yuv420p, 624×352, 23.98 fps(r) Watch Trailer : Screen Shoot : Download M

Shania Twain

Shania Twain Shania Twain (lahir di Windsor, Ontario, Kanada, 28 Agustus 1965; umur 48 tahun) merupakan penyanyi dan pencipta lagu berkebangsaan Kanada. Album ketiganya yang bertajuk Come on Over merupakan album penyanyi wanita terlaris sepanjang masa, dan album country terlaris sepanjang masa, terjual lebih dari 40 juta kopi di seluruh dunia, dan merupakan album terlaris kesembilan di U.S. Album keempatnya, bertajuk Up! dirilis akhir 2002, sampai saat ini telah terjual lebih dari 20 juta di seluruh dunia. Download Album Shania Twain : 1.  Shania Twain - Shania Twain (1993) File Size 68 MB - Download 2. Shania Twain - The Woman in

Siti Badriah - Bara Bere (Wani Piro..??)

Siti Badriah (lahir di Bekasi, Indonesia, 11 November 1991) merupakan seorang penyanyi berkebangsaan Indonesia. Siti Badriah merupakan penyanyi yang mempunyai bakat menyanyi sejak masa kanak-kanak. Siti telah aktif bernyanyi sejak kelas 2 Sekolah Dasar, saat itu Siti Badriah merupakan penyanyi keliling dan sering bernyanyi bersama dengan penyanyi-penyanyi ternama. Berbagai festival musik juga pernah diikuti Siti untuk mengasah dan menambah pengalaman bernyanyinya. Berkat bakat dan darah seni yang mengalir dalam tubuh Siti, seorang pencipta lagu bernama Endang Raes kemudian menawarkan kepada Siti untuk membawakan lagu ciptaanya yang kemudian dite

Young Detective Dee Rise of the Sea Dragon (2013)

 Young Detective Dee Rise of the Sea Dragon (2013) Synopsis: The young Dee Renjie (Mark Chao) arrives in the Imperial Capital, intent to become an officer of the law. Empress Wu (Carina Lau), who is at the start of her reign, has sent the fiery-haired Detective Yuchi (Feng Shaofeng) to investigate a sea monster that stalks the city at night. Movie Info Release Date: 27 September 2013 (USA) Genre: Action | Crime Stars : Angelababy, Mark Chao, Kun Chen Quality: BluRay 1080p Encoder: SHQ@Ganool Source: 1080p BluRay x264 DTS-WiKi Size: 1.6GB Subtitle: Indonesia, English Screen Shoot Watch Trailer Download Movie Young Detective

Ninja: Shadow of a Tear (2013)

Ninja: Shadow of a Tear (2013) Synopsis: Ninjitsu master Casey is back and out for revenge when his pregnant wife is murdered. Movie Info Release Date: 31 December 2013 (USA) Genre: Action | Crime | Thriller Stars : Scott Adkins, Vithaya Pansringarm, Ron Smoorenburg Quality: HDRip Encoder: SHQ@Ganool Source: HDRip XviD-AQOS Size: 400MB Subtitle: Indonesia, English Screenshoot Watch Trailer Download Movie  Ninja: Shadow of a Tear (2013) HDRip 400MB Uploader by Ganool Thanks for your visit... and please enjoy ^_^

Joe Satriani - Super Colossal (2006)

 Joe Satriani - Super Colossal (2006) Super Colossal is the eleventh studio album by guitarist Joe Satriani, released on March 14, 2006 through Epic Records. The final track, "Crowd Chant", was originally going to be named "Party on the Enterprise", featuring sampled sounds of the Enterprise spacecraft from the Star Trek series. However, prior to the album's release, Satriani explained on a podcast that he was unable to acquire the legal rights to use the samples, choosing instead to replace them with his own sounds and rename the track. "Crowd Chant"'s ending theme was inspired by composer Gabriel Fauré's "Pavane in F-sharp minor, Op. Th

Studio Sex (2012)

Studio Sex (2012) The corpse of a young woman is found in a public park. Annika Bengtzon, a criminal reporter at the tabloid Kvällspressen, starts researching and gets more and more personally involved as she learns that the victim worked as a stripper at the club Studio sex and was brutally murdered. Evidence arises that the Minister of Finance was present at Studio sex on the night of the murder, and a political scandal ensues. But things are not as they appear. Movie Info Release Date: 25 May 2012 (USA) Genre: Crime | Drama | Thriller Stars: Malin Crépin, Björn Kjellman, Leif Andrée Quality: BluRay 720p Encoder: FatNanda@Ganool Source:

John Petrucci - Suspended Animation (2005)

 John Petrucci John Peter Petrucci (born July 12, 1967) is an American guitar virtuoso and songwriter. He is best known as a founding member of the progressive metal band Dream Theater. With his former bandmate Mike Portnoy, he has produced all Dream Theater albums since their 1999 release, Metropolis Pt. 2: Scenes from a Memory until their 2009 release, Black Clouds & Silver Linings, and also produced alone their 2011 release A Dramatic Turn of Events and 2013's Dream Theater. He also sings backing vocals for Dream Theater. Petrucci was named as the third player on the G3 tour six times, more than any other invited guitarists. In 2009

Yngwie Malmsteen - Inspiration (1995)

Yngwie Malmsteen - Inspiration (1995) Setelah habis diguyur hujan mulai siang ama angin-anginnya juga, sore ini Diaz mendapat inspirasi untuk share album Yngwie Malmsteen - Inspiration (1995). Dialbum ini Yngwie membawakan lagu karya orang lain yang diaransemen versi Yngwie, nah pasti anda sudah bisa menebak apa jadinya kalau sang maestro yang menaransemen lagu :) Penasaran...??? langsung aja download albumnya dibawah ini : Track List: 1. "Carry On Wayward Son" (Kerry Livgren) - Download 2. "Pictures of Home" (Ritchie Blackmore, Ian Gillan, Roger Glover, Jon Lord, Ian Paice) - Download 3. "Gates of Babylon" (Blackmore, Ronnie James D

Refrain (2013)

 Refrain (2013) Sinopsis: Nata dan Niki sudah bersahabat lama. Mereka bersekolah di tempat sama. Mereka mempunyai sebuah benda yang spesial: trampoline usang yang menyimpan banyak kenangan. Nata juga menyukai Niki sejak lama. Mengingat persahabatan mereka, Nata memilih menjadi pengagum rahasia Niki. Movie Info: Info: Film Indonesia Release Date: 20 Juni 2013 Genre: Drama Cast: Maudy Ayunda, Afgansyah Reza, Maxime Bouttier, Chelsea Islan Quality: DVDRip Watch Trailer Sreen Shoot Download film  Refrain (2013) DVDRip 400p 450MB Uploader by Ganool Thanks for your visit... and please enjoy... ^_^

Mega Rock Ballads

Mega Rock Ballads kali ini Diaz share untuk anda pencinta musik rock, cuman disegmen ini diaz bagikan yang versi slow (ballads). Masih banyak lagi koleksi Diaz yang belum terakomodasi, mungkin dilain kesempatan Diaz akan share lagi lebih banyak. Dan 99% list lagu dibawah sudah pernah Diaz bawain baik dicafe maupun diout door... :) Selamat menikmati dan bernostalgia... Buat anda yang ingin download Mega Rock Ballads versi MP3 nya silahkan dibawah ini : 01. Soldier of fortune-deep purple - Download 02. Led Zepplin - Stairway to Heaven - Download 03. Scorpions - Still loving you - Download 04. Nazareth - love hurts - Download 05. Kansas - Dust in

Hardcore Comedy (2013)

Hardcore Comedy (2013) Synopsis: N/A Movie Info Release Date: 29 August 2013 (Hong Kong) Genre: Comedy | Romance Stars : William Chan,Dada Chan,Christine Kuo And Michelle Wai Quality: BluRay 720p Encoder: SHQ@Ganool Source: 720p.BluRay.x264-WiKi Size: 600MB Subtitle: Indonesia, English Watch trailer Scree shoot Download movie Hardcore Comedy (2013) BluRay 720p 600MB Uploader by Ganool Thanks for your visit... and please enjoy ^_^

Sex Drive (2008)

Sex Drive (2008) Sinopsis: Ian is a high school senior in suburban Chicago, plagued by being a virgin. Online he’s inflated his resume, met Ms. Tasty, and agreed to drive to Knoxville where she promises sex. He steals his homophobic, macho brother’s GTO, and, with his two best friends, Lance and Felicia, heads south. Every young woman who meets Lance, including Felicia, is attracted to him, as he practices his aptly learned “Pick-Up Artist” skills. Ian, on the other hand, is a decent guy who wouldn’t mind if his friendship with Felicia became a romance. By the time they get to Knoxville, they have encountered a jealous boyfriend, a menacin

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